Welcome to the official blog of My Owl Software, creator of the excellent Apple Jack games!

Friday, 13 January 2012

AJ2 logo

Having finished the bulk of the intro sequence, I quickly knocked up this logo:

Looks OK doesn't it? It uses the font I used a lot in both games, Euphoric: (http://www.dafont.com/euphoric.font). I then found an apple skin type texture to fill the letters with, adjusted the colours and voila! Only took half an hour.

Now that's done, I need to connect the title screen, main menu, intro and levels together so that they all flow from one to the other without crashing.


  1. Oh the tingles of anticipation.

    Is the game gonna be XBLIG exclusive or is there any chance of you selling the game for PC?

    1. I'm definitely planning on selling a PC version, one way or another. The game is being developed on PC, so it won't need any converting. XBLIG first though!

  2. Will it be the same price as Apple Jack 1 ?

    1. It'll probably be 240 points, but I'm not sure yet.

  3. Bring on the full intro. Also Tim, I read the other week that the size limit has been raised for 80pts games. But AJ2 has to be worth 240.

    1. Yeah, I kind of wish they hadn't raised the limit, since I now have the option to sell it for 80 points and I really don't want to, even though it might sell better at that price.

  4. You have a reputation that can back the game up from AJ1 so 240 MSP would be justified and should sell well to fans of your previous work.
